‘Celtic’ Shamanic 1-Year Teacher Training
Ongoing study into a ‘Celtic’ Medicine Way
I am offering a teacher training program alongside an on-going deeper study and practice into a ‘Celtic’ medicine way. These two options are available for those who have participated in the 2-Year ‘Celtic’ Shamanic Practitioners training in Scotland, Canada and/or the USA.
May 2020 – 1 week gathering in the Kingdom of Fife
September 2020 – 5 day gathering in Calgary, Canada
Three one-hour one-on-one consultations via FT or Skype
Three two-hour one-on-one consultations via FT or Skype
I have space for a maximum of FOUR students for the TEACHER TRAINING Enrolment is via application.
And space for a maximum of TWELVE students in total.
There is space for at least eight participants, depending on how many teachers have signed up, to be part of the on-going teachings. This is an opportunity to ground the medicine into your bodies for personal healing and for solitary practice with planetary healing.
If you feel ready and your heart calls you to weave more deeply with this medicine in either of these two ways, please be in touch.
The dates for the first gathering in May 2020 will be confirmed once I have the first three students enrolled. The September date will take place the first week of that month in 2020.
Skype and FT times will be arranged around each ‘teachers’ schedules.
The two gatherings on site in the British Isles and Canada will offer the opportunity for those ‘teachers’ attending to take on the role of holding space while leading different ceremonies in the ‘Celtic’ medicine tradition.
Participants will go deeper into their own journey and their relationship with all beings seen and unseen through exploring:
- The Beheading Game
- Shamanic Death
- Cloak of Power
- The multi-dimensional workings of Amrun
- The power of the Seanachie
- Enchantment Breaking
- The Living Gateways
- Elements of the Wild Hunt
We will delve into not only the ceremonial aspect of these teachings, we will also look at the backstory and the strands that connect us to the ancestors who have laid out the blue print for us to follow.
There is a lot to ingest and digest here. It may be that each ‘teacher’ chooses elements of these offerings to ground into their bodies for teaching. This medicine is for sharing and it is important to ‘be’ the medicine so that it does not splatter. I will assist each ‘teacher’ to weave with the medicine authentically and depending on your own commitment to connecting to the roots of these ways you will be able to develop more or less of these bundles to carry you!
There will be three one hour consultations that will take place prior to each gathering and then after the conclusion of the one-year program. These interactions will help ground and focus on which pieces the ‘teacher’ will be leading at the gathering. To prepare for these consultations there will be homework in the form of a written piece demonstrating an understanding of the teachings both before and after each meeting.
The final consultation will be to discuss any nuances and requirements for on-going support.
There will be three of these that will focus on each ‘teacher’ leading a one-on-one workshop with me that focuses on the Living Gateways. You will lead an Eastern – Western Gateway teaching, a Northern – Southern Gateway teaching and a Sovereignty teaching.
A copy of the Living Gateways book will be a requirement for this journey together. This book or books are yet to be published and will be available before our adventure begins. This is my commitment to you to have them ready by the Spring of 2020 and hopefully before!
Please email asteed@andrewsteed.com stating whether you are interested in the Teacher Training or the Ongoing Study & Practice. Please include why this is something that calls to your heart and for those considering teaching – why you feel you are ready to take on this roll.
The investment for this journey does not include travel to, accommodation and food for our two gatherings. It will include all of the teachings. Please contact me with your level of interest and I will forward the costs to you.